Getting Started

Artisan Worktables is designed to be used with CraftTweaker and its scripting language, ZenScript.


For more information about how to use ZenScript, please visit the official CraftTweaker documentation.

Building Recipes

Recipes are created by calling methods on a Recipe builder object.

Recipe builder objects are retrieved by importing Recipe and Type and calling type(Type type) for the desired table.

import mods.artisanworktables.Recipe;
import mods.artisanworktables.Type;

val builder = Recipe.type(Type.BASIC);

You must call Recipe.type(Type type) for each new recipe.

For a list of valid table types, see Quick Reference.

Using the Builder

The builder object method calls are chained back-to-back:

import mods.artisanworktables.Recipe;
import mods.artisanworktables.Type;


Finalizing Recipes

To finalize, or actually create, a recipe, you must call register() on the builder object. Doing this will validate and save the recipe.